认证 | CCNE认证,1 获高等教育委员会认可 |
幸运28计划的长度 | 全年3年BSN课程,或更少,取决于转学分或先前学习 |
转移信用 | 最多90个认可学分 |
格式 | 课程可以在网上和/或实地提供,具体取决于地点 |
快速通道 | 获得双学分 护理学硕士(MSN) at select 校园 locations; transfer credit, 可叠起堆放的凭证, 和 adaptive learning technology build a faster pathway to a higher education with Herzing大学 |
护理学学士学位 degree options include several undergraduate pre-licensure Programs which prepare you for a career in as a Registered Nurse (RN).
该学位课程为学生提供全面的基础知识和技能, 安全, 以及高质量的循证病人护理.
Discover the crucial knowledge 和 skills required to succeed in your work 和 build a foundation for continued career growth.
软件下载努力帮助你保持学校和生活的平衡, 努力为忙碌的非传统学生提供尽可能灵活的服务.
Get face-to-face instruction from experienced 和 credentialed faculty with real-world success in the field.
软件下载将为您的职业发展提供全面的服务, 个性化的学生服务,终身职业指导.
不用担心申请截止日期. 当你准备好了就申请,并准备尽快开始.
选择你的道路 获得BSN
- 在线BSN. Take all didactic/lecture classes online; eligibility in select U.S. 州.
- 加速BSN. 专为其他领域的学士学位持有者打造——开始你的第二职业!
- Pre-nursing. 为没有资格直接进入BSN课程的学生提供的途径.
We offer unique bridge to BSN options for additional healthcare professionals seeking to 成为一名注册护士:
Herzing大学's comprehensive BSN degree Program prepares the generalist nurse with a focus on practice which is 整体, 有爱心的, 安全, 质量, 以及基于证据的客户/病人护理.
Herzing大学's BSN pre-licensure plan is approved by the state boards of nursing in the 州 where it is currently offered 和 prepares students to take the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) upon completion of the Program. Graduates who successfully pass this national examination will be eligible to practice as registered nurses in the state in which they took the examination 和 will also be qualified to apply for licensure in all 50 州.
的 liberal arts education core provides a strong foundation for developing the clinical judgment 和 critical thinking skills required to provide care to diverse populations across the life-span, health-illness连续, 并在各种医疗环境和实践终身学习.
的 general education 和 core nursing classes build on each other 和 are integrated throughout the curriculum. 的oretical instruction is integrated with clinical experience in a variety of healthcare settings in order to provide a broad, 整体, 以及对专业护士角色和职责的现实理解.
临床经验是Herzing BSN幸运28计划的重要组成部分.
MSN -双学分
Qualifying students at select 校园 locations may be eligible to complete select graduate-level courses as part of their BSN or RN-BSN Program plan at Herzing大学.
排名 2023年最佳医疗保健工作 根据….S. 新闻 & 世界报道
护理仍然是一个高增长的领域,根据 U.S. 劳工统计局 就业有望增长 6% 之间的 2022-2032.*
- 学习和使用新的医疗保健技术
- 帮助病人了解他们的健康问题和治疗方法
- 体验新的挑战和机遇
- 扩大你在医疗保健领域的职业潜力
- 帮助人们感觉更好,预防疾病
- 了解人体及其各个系统
- 教导或咨询
I have been an RN for 28 years in Medical Surgical 护理 和 Pediatrics 和 have been teaching for 8 years. 我真的很喜欢看到学生们能够把理论与实践结合起来. 关于我的趣事:我的BSN和MSN几乎相差20年.
Program 仪
护理学理学士 学位课程
显示 1 Program 为 在线 校园
要了解有关此Program的更多信息,请单击 请求的信息 右边的按钮.
相关的 幸运28计划
常见 问题
的 BSN的优点 可以包括:
- 增加了工作时的决策自主权
- 打开护理领域更多专业的大门
- 成为医院更有吸引力的候选人 磁铁识别
- 为进入教育或领导道路打下基础
- 让你更适合薪酬更高的护理工作
- 符合注册MSN幸运28计划的资格
- 更加熟悉和接受循证实践机会的教育
- 增加对注册护士专业和技能的认识和理解
- 从“技术”向“专业”RN的转变
- 加深对护理理论和领导理论的了解
A 2022年美国护理学院协会(AACN)的研究 表明雇主在招聘过程中最看重的是受教育程度. 根据护理学校的反馈,调查显示有69所.8%的雇主对BSN毕业生表现出强烈的偏好.
最终的好处是提升自己, 尽你所能成为最好的护士,沿着你选择的职业道路走下去.
- 你的目标是什么?
- 你想多快到达他们那里
如果你的目标是 从LPN到RN 很快, the best choice may be an associate’s degree Program since you may be able to become an RN in less than 2 years.
如果你的目标是 become an RN 和 potentially advance further by working towards a master’s degree in nursing (MSN), 你最好的选择是获得护理专业的学士学位.
阅读最基本的 ADN与. BSN 然后发现什么是最适合你的.
Because nurses with a BSN have earned that next degree level 和 generally have the edge on the job market, 他们的平均收入将略高于拥有ASN的护士. 然而, there are always exceptions; an ASN with several years of an experience may earn a higher salary than an RN with a BSN who is just starting their career.
护理有多种不同的职业道路, 根据对你来说最有意义的,有几种 不同类型的护理学位 你可以考虑:
- 实用护理文凭. 的 fastest way to start your nursing career is to earn a diploma in practical nursing 和 become a Licensed Practical Nurse. This isn’t a “degree” but it’s an alternative starting point if you’re ready to get your feet wet in nursing.
- 护理学副学士. Earn an 护理专业大专学历 和 you’ll be eligible to site 为 NCLEX 和 become a Registered Nurse (RN).
- 护理学士. 学士学位正成为注册护士的新教育标准, 这样你就有资格攻读硕士学位了.
- 护理硕士. 在护理领域,许多职位的晋升都需要硕士学位.
- 护理学博士. 获得护理学的最终学位,达到该领域的顶峰.
所有 schools have their own distinct degree Programs based on their qualifications 和 areas of focus. Herzing大学 offers many different options to provide the shortest path to your destination no matter where you are right now, including 校园 bridge Programs 和 online Programs to help you reach the next level in your education. 查看软件下载所有的 护理Program.
是的, general education 和 didactic/lecture nursing courses can be completed in our 3-year 针对非护士的在线BSN计划.
该幸运28计划确实包含了实践培训, including clinicals 和 an intensive experience to ensure you are equipped to pass the NCLEX-RN, 满足你所在州的护理委员会的要求,成为RN-BSN.
相关的 软件下载
认证评估 & 披露的信息
1. 亚特兰大赫津大学护理学士学位课程, 布鲁克菲尔德, 出赛, 麦迪逊, 明尼阿波里斯市, 新奥尔良, 和奥兰多是由大学护理教育委员会(http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). This accreditation includes the baccalaureate degree Program offered at the satellite Herzing大学 坦帕 location.
浙江大学是经高等教育委员会认证的高等院校.org)是美国认可的机构认证机构.S. 教育部.
*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its Program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.